Friday, 1 July 2011

Launch of Clean Streets Campaign

Today I launched my Clean Streets Campaign for Drum Brae / Gyle.

I believe that too many politicians, once elected, forget that people want the council to do the basics - like keep their streets clean, run their schools and look after those that need our help the most.

There are obviously wider issues than just these, but if we can't get the basics right, then what message are we sending about our city?

I want you to get in touch with me about problems in your local area and I'll petition the Council to get it fixed.

Whether it's bins uncollected, dog fouling, grafitti or anything that affects your local area, let me know and I'll get it sorted.

Just ring me on 0776 4149767 or email me at mark.brown @ (take out the spaces either side of the @ - it's there to save me getting lots of spam!)

Trams - Common Sense Please!

On Thursday 30th June, Council Administration took the enormous decision to complete the tram project to St Andrew's Square at a cost of £770 million.

Council officials have now been given two months to try to fill the gap of over £200 million before everything is finalised. The truly shocking part of this decision though is the childish way in which the ruling Lib Dem / SNP administration has bickered with each other, whilst on their watch this project has crumbled.

Since the trams were first given the green light, the Conservatives have consistently called for decisive leadership from the administration who have been found wanting. To make matters worse, the SNP have been behaving as if they opposed the trams when in fact they have voted for the business case and project 13 times.

If that wasn't bad enough, the SNP's call for a referendum was not thought through and if enacted, would have likely seen the contractor take the Council to court, no doubt costing the city even more money.

At the meeting, the only sensible option was proposed by Conservative Councillors, who called for more information on the costs before any final decision was made. Ridiculously, no justification for the cost has been given to the public, as figures are deemed to be 'commercially sensitive'.

To not give us any figures is just a farce. If the Lib Dems are going to take such an enormous decision with such a huge amount of public money, then we need to be open and transparent about all the options before a decision is made.

This was a project that was started by the Labour Party, badly managed by the SNP and the Lib Dems and not once have any of the people responsible apologised to the people of Edinburgh for the mess that has been made.

I'm backing Community Councils - Why not get Involved?

For the past few years, Mark has been involved in local community councils across Edinburgh. As a new resident to this ward, Mark intends to visit our two community councils in the area, Drum Brae and Corstorphine, as each will play a vital role in our communities and will have an important role in local democracy.

If you want to know more about what the council is doing in your area and more importantly, if you want a say in what the council is doing in your area, then getting involved in your local community council is the best way to do it.

If you want to find out more about the community council in your area, you can contact the Community Council Liaison and Development Officer on 469 6203 or email