Thursday, 3 May 2012

It's all over by the counting....

I've arrived back home after a long day out on the polling stations - cold, sunny, cold - for dinner but disappointed not to have been able to go straight to the count.

Instead, it's a quick message to say thanks to everyone who has helped on my campaign.  Starting with all those who have voted for me.  I'm honoured, thrilled and privileged to have secured your support and been a hard working candidate for the last 12 months.

I've had enormous pleasure in dealing with the issues in the ward and sorting out problems for residents. 

The list of those individuals who helped the campaign runs to many people and I will thank you all personally over the next couple of days.  Without your support, time, shoe leather and lifts here and there, the campaign couldn't have been the success it has been.

For everyone who has sent emails, texts and twitter/facebook messages, your wee comments and quips have made me smile when times have been tough. 

Some 65,000 leaflets have been distributed over the last 12 months.  Doors have been knocked.  Blisters have been popped. 

All roads to Meadowbank Stadium at 9am for the count to see if I get a podium spot.  1,2,3 right enough....

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Eve of Poll and its all to play for in Drum Brae \ Gyle

It's been a quick 12 months since I was selected to be the candidate for the Scottish Conservatives in Drum Brae / Gyle.

Unlike some of the other candidates, I actually live in the ward.  Since my selection,. I have been working hard for residents and have already achieved a great record of success on local issues.

I am delighted to have spoken to so many residents already. By listening to your issues, a lot have been achieved so far.  You can find out more information on my wins for the community throughout this blog.

I will continue to engage with local residents and pledge to work in the best interests of the area.

Your priorities are My priorities:

  • Be contactable and keep residents up to date with local issues through local newsletters
  • Fight hard for increased investment in our roads and pavements in the area
  • Campaign against any proposed housing development at West Craigs / Cammo
  • Continue the fight against the litter, dog fouling and graffiti which has featured heavily in your recent survey responses.
Where absent councillors have failed, I have delivered.  If that's what can be done on the outside as a candidate, imagine what can be done on the inside as a councillor!

Realise the potential and Vote Brown 1 on Thursday!