Sunday, 12 February 2012

Lunch with Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP

This afternoon I attended a fundraiser in the Capital which saw Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP speak as guest of honour.

Rifkind, who was Edinburgh Pentlands MP from 1974 to 1997, spoke regarding the Independence debate where he pointed out with 30 to 40 years of consistent opinion polls giving 33 - 36% support in favour, it is hardly surprising that Alex Salmond is keen to delay the referendum. 

During the event, the MP for Kensington & Chelsea presented Cllr Alastair Paisley a token of appreciation for his services as a Councillor in the Capital (he was elected back in 1996) and flowers to Alastair's long suffering supportive wife, Inez.

Now, Paisley as we all know, is quite a character.  He made the newspapers last July after claiming £2.40 mileage for cycling to meetings  and even made it into Ken Smith's Herald Diary last week:

Edinburgh Tory councillor Alastair Paisley tells us there is much debate about Scots living in England not being allowed to vote in the independence referendum.
"Someone worked out," he tells us, "that nine of the 11 players in the Scottish international football team won't be able to vote.

"But not to worry – they're not able to put a cross in the box anyway."

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