Thursday, 3 May 2012

It's all over by the counting....

I've arrived back home after a long day out on the polling stations - cold, sunny, cold - for dinner but disappointed not to have been able to go straight to the count.

Instead, it's a quick message to say thanks to everyone who has helped on my campaign.  Starting with all those who have voted for me.  I'm honoured, thrilled and privileged to have secured your support and been a hard working candidate for the last 12 months.

I've had enormous pleasure in dealing with the issues in the ward and sorting out problems for residents. 

The list of those individuals who helped the campaign runs to many people and I will thank you all personally over the next couple of days.  Without your support, time, shoe leather and lifts here and there, the campaign couldn't have been the success it has been.

For everyone who has sent emails, texts and twitter/facebook messages, your wee comments and quips have made me smile when times have been tough. 

Some 65,000 leaflets have been distributed over the last 12 months.  Doors have been knocked.  Blisters have been popped. 

All roads to Meadowbank Stadium at 9am for the count to see if I get a podium spot.  1,2,3 right enough....

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Eve of Poll and its all to play for in Drum Brae \ Gyle

It's been a quick 12 months since I was selected to be the candidate for the Scottish Conservatives in Drum Brae / Gyle.

Unlike some of the other candidates, I actually live in the ward.  Since my selection,. I have been working hard for residents and have already achieved a great record of success on local issues.

I am delighted to have spoken to so many residents already. By listening to your issues, a lot have been achieved so far.  You can find out more information on my wins for the community throughout this blog.

I will continue to engage with local residents and pledge to work in the best interests of the area.

Your priorities are My priorities:

  • Be contactable and keep residents up to date with local issues through local newsletters
  • Fight hard for increased investment in our roads and pavements in the area
  • Campaign against any proposed housing development at West Craigs / Cammo
  • Continue the fight against the litter, dog fouling and graffiti which has featured heavily in your recent survey responses.
Where absent councillors have failed, I have delivered.  If that's what can be done on the outside as a candidate, imagine what can be done on the inside as a councillor!

Realise the potential and Vote Brown 1 on Thursday!

Monday, 30 April 2012

Evening News feature Drum Brae / Gyle ward

The Edinburgh Evening News has been running a series of features on tomorrow's polling day predictions.

On Monday, they previewed Drum Brae / Gyle amongst others.  They are calling it "one of the most closely-fought contests of the election"

Ian Swanson's comments are heartening, "The Conservatives were ahead of Labour on first preferences last time and say their candidate, Mark Brown, is working hard and could be in with a chance. One senior figure privately suggested that, if the SNP did not perform well, both Labour and the Tories could win seats along with Cllr Aldridge."

I'll take that as the result on Friday....

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Local Candidate clears up in pathway clean-up campaign

As one would expect from a hardworking prospective Council candidate, one doesn't just rely on a glossy leaflet a week before polling day to woo residents with a host of promises they may or may not deliver once elected.

Working hard since my selection almost 12 months ago, regular viewers here and residents in the ward via the 60,000 or so leaflets delivered, will have spotted the differences I have made in Drum Brae / Gyle.

My post on the 8th April entitled Pathway to graffiti, litter and yes, dog poo! highlighted the pathway from Bughtlin Market to Craigmount High School and after a phone call on the 11th April from the Environmental Warden Team Leader, further information has been forthcoming.

Earlier this week, I received an email from West Edinburgh Community Safety/Housing and Regeneration Manager, of which an extract is below:

"Thank you for your email dated 8 April 2012 regarding complaints you have received from local residents in the Bughtlin and Craigmount area, with regards to graffiti, dog fouling, the run down condition of the play park, and the lack of bins in the pathway used by the pupils at Craigmount High School during their breaks.

"I can advise you that we are aware of these problems and notification have been forwarded to our Task Force Team with regards to the removal of the graffiti on Council Property, and for additional bins to be situated on the pathway.

"With regards to dog fouling, we carry out regular patrols to deter and catch dog owners who do not act in a responsible manner. Any person found failing to pick up after their dog is issued a Fixed Penalty Notice of £60, reduced to £40 if paid within 28 days. We intend to continue with our patrols in the area varying the days and times to effectively deal with any offenders.

"Our Community Parks Officer has informed me that he believes that the play park is on the rolling programme list for improving play parks in the City."

I am pleased that the Council are, with my perseverance and determination to provide a better Drum Brae / Gyle for all, turning residents concerns into positive action.  I will be monitoring the area - until at least May 3rd - for progress.

Remember, by voting Brown 1 on May 3rd, the residents of Drum Brae / Gyle will see a local champion work hard for all - not just at election time, but all year round.

Does it matter if your Councillor lives locally?

Pentland's SNP Candidate Bill Henderson argues in his recent leaflet that a Councillor living locally does matter for those they represent.

Many people on the doorsteps I have turned up on agree with Mr Henderson (naturally without knowing of his comments!).  It's not however a train of thought shared with his colleagues in Drum Brae / Gyle.

With Cllr Keir stepping down from double-jobbing to channel his energies as the local MSP and his initial replacement Elaine Morris (who hot footed it from her spot as Forth Ward Cllr) stepping down due to ill health, the local association went scouring the city for a replacement. 

They actually found two in the end.

Interestingly, one of these was Cllr Ron Cairns.  Cairns was ousted by Henderson as in-fighting within the local party saw Cairns de-selected.   

Cairns is of course standing alongside another candidate who lives outside the ward, Alison Lindsay.

Lindsay, a former Councillor in Clackmannanshire also stood for the party as their Westminster Candidate in 2005, however she resigned with less than two months to go before the election after allegations by opponents that being on sick leave whilst conducting an election campaign were not compatible.

The lack of local knowledge from both Candidates at Monday night's Hustings frustrated several of the audience when the duo were put under the microscope.

Meanwhile, another Drum Brae / Gyle candidate is also a stranger to the surroundings.  Green Party candidate Linda Hendry pointed out at the hustings that she didn't live in the ward, although she did raise a respectful smile by noting that her Mother was buried in it. 

Cllr Robert Aldridge lives in East Craigs, Karen Keil in Drumbrae - maybe it's to be a trio of local candidates for the three places on offer in seven days time? 

Both Independent candidates I understand are local however, with it being likely that the only time we'll meet is at the count on May 4th following their non-appearance at the hustings, I can't comment any further on their standing.

For me, localism is at the heart of being a Councillor.  I am proud to be standing in my wee bit of Edinburgh. I love my home and it's right in the heart of the Drum Brae / Gyle ward. 

During the last twelve months, I have been working on the issues that matter on people's doorsteps.  Listening to the concerns that matter most to local residents who feel let down by the absent councillors during this outgoing Lib Dem / SNP administration.

The people of Edinburgh - and Drum Brae / Gyle deserve better. 

Only on May 3rd by voting Brown 1 can you bring change.  Vote Conservative for a change.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Election Hustings - A Resume....

Monday night saw the Candidates comes together at the Rannoch Centre for the Hustings orgsanised by the Drum Brae Community Council.

6 out of the 8 Candidates turned up - both Independents failed to show. 

Hopefully not a shape of things to come, but the apathy shown by these Candidates seem to rub off on the public, with some 20 people attending.  However, those who did were to have their collective voices heard over the almost 2 hour session - an over run of some 20 minutes!

Candidates drew cards to see who went first.  Comically, the Chair hadn't removed the 7 & 8 cards - guess what was picked out first!

Anyway, Lib Dem incumbent Robert Aldridge, the only one of the 3 standing again, opened.  His opening salvo mentioned bins, buses and that a focus should be on bottom up politics.

I was up next and a copy of my 5 minute speel will be available on this blog elsewhere shortly.

The Green candidate, Linda Hendry was up next.  Despite not being local, Linda mentioned that she did have a local connection in that her mother was buried in the ward.  There followed a fascinating insight into how vital Bees are to the world.  Linda also noted her party would like to sell off the Lord Provost's 'SO' Registration Plate.

The first of the SNP duo, Alison Lindsay took to the floor.  Another candidate who didn't live in the ward.  Alison, a former Clackmannanshire Councillor, spoke of how the party were ensuring free bus passes were being kept by the SNP, how the Curriculum for Excellence had been introduced into schools by the SNP - all very fine and well, but not very local.  Until, she mentioned Drum Brae Primary.  Alison told the hall that 'it was over for Drum Brae Primary' and it was time to move on.  This didn't go down spectacularly well...

Labour's Karen Keil was up next - the last of the 'local' Candidates.  Karen laid the blame firmly on Robert Aldridge for her standing as a candidate. As a former Lib Dem supporter and voter, Karen said she was disappointed in his decision to close Drum Brae Primary.  Karen spoke of her work in the community and noted that there were huge social issues in certain parts of the world.

Finally, it was Ron Cairns - the second SNP candidate. Ron is the incumbent Councillor in Pentlands however due to de-selection by his local party at their candidate selection meeting, he was out on his ear.  Due to the decision by Elaine Morris to stand down due to ill-health, Ron was drafted in

He was quick to lay claim to ensuring the Hub was delivered on time etc.  Odd as the Lib Dems are taking the credit for that too...

Ron's 'style' as it where was "If you send me an email - put your number on it.  That way I'll get back to you rather than have a long paper trail." Mmmm.....

So, on with the show. 

The event mainly concentrated on Education and it is clear that the whole schooling system in the ward needs a good look at.  Schools bursting at the seems, some due to numbers, some due to poor facilities, are a very big issue out there.  I know, I've been speaking to many residents who are parents of children attending said schools.

Robert Aldridge recorded a figure of some £4k per pupil cost to keep a child at Drum Brae Primary and with the number of kids attending at the time, it wasn't viable to keep the school open.

However, the chickens have, it appears, come home to roost.

Alison Lindsay was challenged over when she was selected as a candidate - "I can't remember the exact date" was her initial response before seeking clarity from a member of the audience, an SNP hack-tivist, the answer was 5 months.  Really Alison?!

By this point, a chap in the audience, waiting patiently to ask his question, got up and walked out. 

A resident from Parkgrove cited issues re speeding and the lack of signs near the school.  Hopefully this will be rectified shortly.

A question re funding issues and provision for 3 or 4G sports pitches in the area were pretty much dismissed by Cllr Cairns as these would cost some £400k and if one school got one, everyone would want one.  Nothing better than being ambitious for the community.....

Clermiston Park improvements were brought up, with a resident angry over being let down by the Council re promises to make it a top priority case.

There was discussion over how to get youth into employment in the area / City-wide.  It was universally agreed that any programme should be used as a view to obtaining permanent employment at the end of it, not an excuse for cheap labour for a couple of weeks.

Finally, the Clermiston Primary issue, highlighted at the previous week's Community Council meeting came up for discussion.  Acoustics in the school were frankly useless from it's building in 2010 and there have been promises to get this remedied asap.

A fairly disappointing part to this was the revelation that incumbent Councillors had failed to make any effort to attend Parent Council meetings to find out what the issues were....

At 9.15pm, the meeting drew to a close and everyone went back home still clear as to how they would be using their 1st Preferences however the battle for 2nd / 3rd preferences may have been given food for thought by the debate.

How did the Candidates perform?

Well, a purely unscientific ranking of the candidates was offered to me post-hustings which gave the following;

1: Aldridge, 2: Brown, 3: Keil, 4: Hendry, 5: Cairns, 6: Lindsay with 2 non-runners.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Result! Progress on the Pathway....

I had an educational, constructive and positive discussion earlier today with the West Neighbourhood Environmental Warden Team Leader re my Pathway to graffiti, litter and yes, dog poo post.

I am delighted to hear that the pathway will be getting a clean sweep next week when the team are back to full strength and the Taskforce Team will be working with other partners to rid the area of the grafitti where possible.  Negotiation will need to take place with residents where the grafitti is on 'private ground'.

In addition to this, there is a promise of provision for additional bins.  This covers the area from the entrance opposite the High School up towards the play park.  The extra bins will hopefully encourage more people to think twice about throwing their litter on the ground and also for irresponsible dog owners to bag in and bin it, instead of ignore it and leave it.

Proactive prevention was also discussed and I was heartened by success stories at other High Schools in the West Edinburgh area when it comes to educating kids over litter.

If elected on May 3rd, I will be engaging with all schools to ensure that continued focussed is played on ensuring personal responsibility is key.

Remember, by voting Brown 1 on May 3rd, the residents of Drum Brae / Gyle will see a local champion work hard for all residents not just at election time, but all year round.

It's looking ominous for the signs....

Avid readers,

You may recall last weekend I blogged re the workmen dumping their roadsigns at Maybury Road and noted that I would update with any progress.

Well, I am delighted to say that my prompt action re this matter has resulted in a response from the Council today (Wednesday) to get the contractors back to pick up the signage.

An extract from the welcoming email can be found below.

Again, it's not just about walking the walk, delivering glossy leaflets through letterboxes that will win elections, it's being able to talk the talk and get things done for the Community.

That's why voting Brown 1 on May 3rd will see a local champion work hard for all residents not just at election time, but all year round.

Til the next time.....


In response to your email dated 8 April re Maybury Road - Signs left behind after works completed

We have contacted the Traffic Management contractors and have arranged for the items you noted to be picked up from the side of Balfour Court.


Mike Trotter
Projects Development (Transport)
City of Edinburgh Council

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Pathway to graffiti, litter and yes, dog poo!

Walking along the pathway from Bughtlin Market to Craigmount High School should be a pleasant experience.

There are lots of nice trees, a playpark, people can take their dogs for a walk and it connects two parts of the ward, allowing local business to benefit from local patronage.

Sadly, I was taken aback by the level of vandalism in the area - mainly graffiti - when I was out and about the other day, taking a look on behalf of residents who had brought these issues to my attention.

There are several bins, lamposts and walls showing the effects of bouts of vandalism.  One offender in particular appears to enjoy the area, tagging themselves in multiple locations along the pathway.

In addition to this, the play park is looking rather grotty with a damn good weeding needing to be undertaken. The chute in the playpark is also a favourite with our artistic friends.

My only other observation was there is a long gap from the opening of the pathway at the school side before you reach a bin. There were a number of chippy boxes / pizza cartons - not to mention dog poo lying about.  Not visually attractive on what has the potential of being a pleasant pathway.

The grit bin pictured is situated opposite Craigmount High School. As you can see, it's not looking in the best of health.

I've forwarded on these issues to the Council's West Neighbourhood Team requested that remedial action is taken.  More on this when I get a response.

Working for you all year round - not just at election time!  Vote Brown 1 on May 3rd for a hard working local champion.

Funding shortage results in roundabout mudpit madness

As noted elsewhere, the road surfacing repairs at Maybury Road have taken place.

Sadly, the roundabout at Bughtlin Market has been left in a sorry mess during these works.

I've been on to the West Neighbourhood Team already, taking on board Residents queries over what plans were in place for the roundabout due to it looking rather unsightly.

Many residents have asked if the space could be brightened up with some type of floral arrangement however, correspondence from the Council's West Neighbourhood Team notes that, despite carrying out works involving the roundabout, no funds are available for any further works to be undertaken.

Therefore, for the forseeable future, residents and indeed visitors to East Craigs area of the ward will be welcomed by a muddy mess of a roundabout.

I'd have hoped part of the project planning process would have been to make good the roundabout once the road had been resurfaced.  I'm sure many would agree.

If elected, I will revisit this decision of leaving the roundabout as a mudpit. Perhaps this could be an ideal opportunity for a local business to sponsor the roundabout and maintain its upkeep....

Garbage, Graffiti and Grit...all in one ugly place.

On passing by Maybury Road whilst visiting a resident, I couldn't help but take note of the disaster area that is the grit bin beside Balfour Court.

Not only is the bin exposed to the conditions due to the lack of a lid, irresponsible people have been using it as a rubbish bin!

The grit was sodden and frankly useless.

Add in the additional issues of the graffiti and you have an eyesore of a feature.

Another local issue heading it's way to get sorted....

Signs aren't looking good at Maybury Road!

After carrying out repairs to the Maybury Road, leading up to Bughtlin Market, it appears that the workmen thought it best to leave their signs and cones at the bottom of the grassy verge outside someone's house.  These have been a feature now for some two weeks.

A polite email is winging it's way to the Council this afternoon.  Progress on their removal to appear here (hopefully soon!)

Monday, 2 April 2012

Edinburgh Conservatives Manifesto Launch

Last week I joined my Edinburgh Conservatives colleagues as we launched our Local Government Election Manifesto.

You can read about our vision for Edinburgh over the next 5 years by downloading it here

SORTED! Clermiston Green potholes fixed and road resurfaced

Some good news delivered today to the residents of Clermiston Green:

"Following complaints from residents in the Clermiston area back in January, local Conservative Council Candidate Mark Brown successfully managed to get the massive pothole fixed in Clermiston Green due to the dangers to public safety.

Whilst Mark’s prompt action to get the pothole fixed was welcomed by residents, photos taken at the time showed that there was still more work to be done.

As a result of Mark’s promise to keep the pressure up on the Council to get our roads up to scratch, work has recently been carried out to permanently repair the main stretch of Clermiston Green and other parts of the surrounding road.

Mark said, “The Council’s prompt response to fill the pothole back in January was long overdue however I am delighted that, following a series of follow up emails, the Roads Officer has taken on board both the Residents and my concerns and carried out these much needed repairs.

With the high level of cost to the Council and taxpayer in compensation claims, it is vital that potholes are fixed quickly and done correctly first time.

Pictured below, you can see the benefits of having a Candidate working hard for you all year round – not just at election time.

A vote for Brown on May 3rd will guarantee your voice will be listened to when it comes to building a better future for Edinburgh."

Ruth Davidson visits Drum Brae / Gyle

With the months becoming weeks and now being counted in days, the election campaign is fast approaching the d-day of May 3rd.

With 8 runners in the starting gate, the field of candidates seeking election is a big one for the 3 seats available.

On Saturday, the Vote Brown 1 campaign got a tremendous boost with a visit from the Leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Ruth Davidson.

Ruth, along with several activists (some pictured below whilst the camera shy knocked on the doors!), took part in a positive canvassing session in the ward.

Feedback on the doorsteps was very strong, with several commenting on the results I've achieved around the ward.  Whilst this is all very flattering, there is so much more to be done.

Hopefully on May 3rd the good people of Drum Brae / Gyle will allow me to continue where I have started off.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Broon in Troon for Party Conference

The seaside capital of the Scottish western riviera welcomed the Scottish Conservatives for their Annual Conference - the first under the leadership of Ruth Davidson.

Thursday to Saturday of sun, sand, sea and political anoraking was the agenda.

Kicking off, we had the Deputy Chairman's Reception followed by Pre-Conference Dinner, hosted by David Mundell MP.  What a treat we had as guest speaker in the shape of Rory Stewart MP, the Member of Parliament for Penrith & the Border.

Natural retiral to the bar - I had my fill of Vitamin C - and a late night was had by many of the delegates.

There was an early morning shock to many systems as all Council Candidates were invited to an 08.30h meeting to discuss the forthcoming election battle.  For such an early start, there was a huge buzz about the place. 

Maybe it was the meeting or the impending arrival of the Prime Minister to Conference! 

David Cameron spoke to Conference with such passion towards the preservation of the Union and how Scotland & the United Kingdom as better off together. 

Good friend Iain McGill, Chairman of Edinburgh North & Leith opened up the economy debate shortly after - a tough act to follow - but the lad done well!

After a visit to the Daily Telegraph debate - hosted by Alan Cochrane, the paper's Scottish Political Editor, it was back to the main hall for the Local Government Session.

In this session, I was privileged to be asked to deliver a speech to conference. 

Localism and my campaign were the key topics of my speech which was well received from delegates, senior party members and even neutral observers from the media.  

The Rally for the Union debate finished the day as the Conservatives continue their fight to stave off Salmond's Separatists.  Here I am with Ruth and fellow Unionists showing we are 'Together for Good'.

Another dinner in the evening was enjoyed, this time with Rt Hon Lord Lang of Monkton as the guest speaker. 

The food in the Barcelo Marine Hotel in Troon was pretty decent to be fair.

One of the highlights of the Scottish Conference, is 'The Blue Review'.  This is billed as a cross between Have I got News for you and They think it's all over' - only funnier....

Jackson Carlaw was once again the man in the middle, having the packed room in fits of laughter. 

It must also be recorded that the event raised in excess of £1,000 for the Combat Stress charity.  Well done all.

The night slipped into early morning, with somewhat bizarre tweets from the SNP's Joan McAlpine keeping all and sundry amused.

Up and at them early Saturday and as the Police arrived in their wagon-load and the Horses were put on patrol on the beach, the Conference awaited the arrival of the Home Secretary, the Rt Hon Theresa May MP.

May, famed for her love of shoes, didn't disappoint:

Theresa spoke very well indeed, despite almost losing her voice midway through her speech.  Part of her delivery focussed on myth-busting - putting the Nats in their place.

May told the hall, "The Scottish National Party is not made up of nationalists. Nor should we see them as patriots. As David Cameron said yesterday how dare the SNP claim patriotism for Independence alone? Is not everyone in this room a patriot? No, the SNP are not nationalists. They are separatists."

A standing ovation for the Home Secretary then a wee while later, she was back up on stage, this time introducing Leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Ruth Davidson.

Boosted by some 2,000 new members having joined since the time of the Leadership election, Ruth took to the stage to deliver a barnstorming speech telling of the work being carried out within the party to take it forward, including the announcement of new Policy Board.

Ruth continued where the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary left off, by telling Alex Salmond how it really is. 

"Alex, get back to your desk, get on with the job you were elected to do." has a great ring about it. Businesses, public services and the people of Scotland are being ignored, abandoned and neglected by Salmond's Separatists.

It is time to get out there ahead of May 3rd to tell people that a victory for the SNP at the Council elections would be claimed by them to be a vote to break up Britain. 

We are the true party of localism and REAL devolution.  We won't stand on a one-trick pony policy. 

Our Union is a partnership.  

A strong Scotland in a strong Britain. Together for Good.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Foul play calls for Doggy DNA

One familiar theme I am, erm, picking up on the doorsteps is that of dog fouling.  Yes, pesky pooch poop is really getting on residents nerves and it appears, their shoes and buggies.

The vast majority of dog owners out there, as we all know, are responsible and will bag it and bin it.  Some may bag it and lay it beside the bins but thats another matter or another day.  The Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003 was brought in to help deal with this and give local authorities have to right to issue fixed penalty notices.

Last year, after reading about a scheme in a suburb of New York, I was interested in the programme being run there which saw DNA samples being taken of the poo which would allow the guilty party to be tracked down and dealt with accordingly.

Therefore, could you imagine my surprised and delight last week when I read not one, but two articles from the UK where local authorities have been considering this very topic.

Hyndburn borough council in Lancashire are in discussions with a forensic vet over plans to analyse dog dirt found on pavements and in parks according to a report in the Telegraph, whilst even closer to home in the village of Castletown in Caithness, a similar scheme is being investigated.

Greater visual deterrents are required to highlight (I still can't believe people have to reminded, but lets go with this) to prevent irresponsible owners from just leaving it on the pavements and in the parks.  Perhaps I would tone it down a notch from Hastings Borough Council's poster campaign of 2010 however, getting the kids in the local primary schools to design a poster or two to put up in the area would be a great start.

What is also clearly needed is education over the reasons why it is vitally important to pick up after your dog has done its business.  Toxocariasis, for example, is a potentially lethal disease carried in dog faeces which can also blind.

The practicalities of imposing a scheme like this in somewhere as big as Edinburgh would be subject of course to some fine tuning - and it's likely to be a voluntary basis with a database needing to be drawn up and costs worked out.  Perhaps there could be a trial in a ward within the City or one of the four Neighbourhood Partnership areas.

It will be interesting to see how the other local authorities move on with this and if elected, I'd like to look at this again in greater detail.

Until then, if all the good guys out there could tell the bad guys to bag it and bin it and the Environmental Wardens continue to patrol the City, then we are continue to fight against faeces.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Cats, Cars and Toads - Caring Conservativism in action

It's been some weekend on the campaign trail. 

Whilst my namesake from Fife once claimed to have saved the world , I've saved a couple of potentially catastrophic calamities whilst out delivering my resident's survey over the past 48 hours.

Down in South Gyle on Saturday, I was met by a young mum with her wee kid & whilst discussing the issues surrounding dog fouling in the area, something caught her eye.  "Is that car moving?" she enquired...

Like Ussain Bolt out of the blocks, this retired rugby prop forward made an emergency dash to halt the runaway motor from careering into a park car.  I made it with inches to spare!  Phew. 

A grateful resident came out to secure the handbrake and off I went to finish my delivery run.

Today, it was the turn of the Toad.

Yip, there was a toad on a wee Sunday sojourn to the Craigmount part of the ward.

Blissfully unaware of the dangers around it, our wee amphibian friend just sat there minding its own business.

Thankfully, lets call him Tory Toad, was grateful for the assistance in getting him back onto the grassy verge away from danger.

Regular viewers of my Twitter feed will also recall a couple of weeks back when I saved a cat from being the cause of a certain crash and a potentially poor outcome for the moggy.

The big question is - will I carry this luck with me to the ballot box on May 3rd?

I'll be out on the hunt to cross as many black cats over the next 53 days of campaigning....

Friday, 9 March 2012

Ensure you get the chance to vote!

Now is the time to ensure you can vote in future elections.

There are of course the local council elections -  coming up on May 3rd.  But first, if you want to be put on the electoral register - or check to see if you are on, read on.

  • How do I check if I am on the electoral register? Click here.
  • How do I get added to the electoral register? Click here. Download the form here.
  • Who is eligible to vote at the May local council elections? Click here.
The register is maintained by the Lothian Valuation Joint Board - whose site is here. (The 'Joint' part of that title refers to representatives from the four Lothian local authorities - East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian and Edinburgh.)

More on postal voting very soon....

Edinburgh Conservative Council election candidates announced

The full card of Conservative candidates for the Council election in 2012 is now available. There will be new faces in the Conservative group after May, as we see long serving councillors Alastair Paisley (Pentland Hills) & Kate MacKenzie (Almond) standing down, along with Gordon Buchan (Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart).

We're confident of gaining seats on the new council, and every seat is being worked hard & is in play. Despite initial bluster from the SNP no party has put forwards enough candidates to win an outright majority - but I'm hopeful our group will be larger than last time, & that we will be part of the administration getting Edinburgh back on track come May. The city has surely had enough drift over the last 5 years of SNP/Lib Dem shenanigans.

You can follow fellow candidates on Twitter via the @ names provided.

Ward 1 - Almond
Lindsay Paterson @LSPaterson

Ward 2 - Pentland Hills
Dominic Heslop
Sheila Low

Ward 3 - Drum Brae / Gyle
Mark Brown @Mr_Mark_Brown

Ward 4 - Forth
Allan Jackson

Ward 5 - Inverleith
Scott Douglas @scottdouglas_
Iain Whyte

Ward 6 - Corstorphine / Murrayfield
Jeremy Balfour

Ward 7 - Sighthill / Gorgie
Susan Dewhurst

Ward 8 - Colinton / Fairmielhead
Elaine Aitken
Jason Rust

Ward 9 - Fountainbridge / Craiglockhart
Will Searle @willsearle

Ward 10 - Meadows / Morningside
Mark McInnes

Ward 11 - City Centre
Jo Mowat

Ward 12 - Leith Walk
Miles Briggs

Ward 13 - Leith
Nicola Ross

Ward 14 - Craigentinny / Duddingston
Jason Lingiah @jasonlingiah

Ward 15 - Southside / Newington
Cameron Rose @cameronrose

Ward 16 - Liberton / Gilmerton
Nick Cook

Ward 17 - Portobello / Craigmillar
Henry Christian @HarryHatless

Monday, 5 March 2012

Election update - Eventful day in the Candidates stakes...

It's been an eventful day in the Drum Brae / Gyle election contest.

As I blogged last Wednesday, SNP Candidate Elaine Morris announced her intention to withdraw from the contest due to ill health.  The Evening News today run with the story which contained the names of the TWO candidates selected to replace her.

Hoping across town after being de-selected from his Pentland's seat is Cllr Ron Cairns and joining him in the Nats corner is Alison Lindsay, who was previously a Cllr in Clackmannanshire from 1999-2003 and has stood (and stood down) in previous Holyrood elections.

The Greens have also announced their intention to seek election and have selected seasoned campaigner Linda Hendry who stood in the 1992 General Election in Edinburgh West gaining 0.5% of the vote and was 4th on their 2011 Holyrood Election Central Region List.

Lib Dems Cllr Robert Aldridge is the only incumbent looking to retain their seat (well, in this ward anyway!) and also standing is Labour's Karen Keil.  There's still a couple of weeks for others to put their hats in the ring...

Oh, and there of course is me!  I'll be concentrating on my campaign as normal, fighting the cause for the citizens of Drum Brae / Gyle as I have done with much enjoyment & success so far since my selection.

Blogger Dan Phillips has posted another piece on what could be one of the more interesting wards come the count at Meadowbank on May 4th.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Hub happenings - Casual observations on the campaign trail....

It's been another good night out campaigning in the ward, with a barrowload of Resident's Surveys being delivered.  With only 9 weeks to go, things are heating up and the late nights are kicking in.

It's important at times though to relax and catch up with the news, either on the telly, web or reading the Edinburgh Evening News for any local stuff.  Today's letters page in the EEN was interesting.

The recent opening of the Drum Brae Library Hub has been a truly fantastic addition to the area - with over 10,000 visitors within the first couple of months. 

The new facility however appears to have caused a stooshie between my Labour opponent Karen Keil and the SNP's Colin Kerr. 

Comments and letters have been published in the Edinburgh Evening News over the last 7 days:

Library ‘does not make up for school’ Published on Thursday 23 February 2012

The opening of the new Drumbrae Library is “too little too late” for the local community, according to activists.

Karen Keil, one of the campaigners that opposed the (Drumbrae Primary) school closure, said: “If Lib Dems had not opposed the Drumbrae Leisure Centre then a library would have been built then as part of this popular sports centre.

“Local people have said to me that Drumbrae Hub does not make up for demolishing Drumbrae school. They are right and it will prove too little too late for the Lib Dems.”


In return, the SNP's Colin Kerr - still also masquerading as a Councillor until May - had the following letter printed in today's Edinburgh Evening News:

Candidate out of touch with area

I’m astonished by the comments made by Labour candidate Karen Keil (News, February 23) talking down the new Drum Brae Hub and stating it was “too little too late”.

The Drum Brae and Clermiston communities have campaigned for a library for more than 40 years.

Indeed, more than 1300 people attended its opening three weeks ago. I think Karen Keil is not only out of touch with the local community, but she clearly disagrees with her colleagues Malcolm Chisholm and Sarah Boyack, who both praised the £5.7 million project during a debate in the Scottish Parliament.

Mrs Keil has been hostile towards the project from the outset and is now essentially saying it’s not worth it. Her comments are a slap in the face to the many people who will benefit from the new facilities.

The truth is that Drum Brae has benefited greatly from this council administration, with more than £10m investment not only in the Hub but on a brand new care home. I would challenge Labour to back this investment.

Cllr Colin Keir MSP


Well, it looks like Colin has touched a nerve with Karen judging by the former LibDem voter / supporter-cum-Labour candidate's tweets tonight:

"I don't think Colin Keir likes me very much! And he's sent his apologies for the Gala quiz night too."

"Just in case anyone is in any doubt - I think the are the best! I'm really glad you are in and is FAB"


I think I'll let the others fight amongst themselves whilst I'm out on the doorstep fighting for the residents of Drum Brae / Gyle.  Sounds sensible enough to me.

Time for bed - another day, another challenge tomorrow. 

Morris stands down - SNP Candidate pulls out of Drum Brae / Gyle election battle

Elaine Morris has decided to stand down as the SNP candidate in Drum Brae / Gyle causing some local activists to voice concern over where the party is in terms of selecting a replacement.

With only 9 weeks to go until d-day, Morris has stood down due to reported 'underlying health issues'.  The party's recent election material, which has just been landing on resident's doormats, was promoting the Forth Ward Councillor's impending move across town. 

Whilst we've not had much time to get to know each other on the campaign trail, Elaine and I locked horns at the end of last year on the panel at the Safety Forum meeting.  I wish Elaine all the best for the future.

Rumours have been circulating that the Nats have been considering their options of standing one or two candidates in the ward.  Blogger Dan Phillips reckons it would be two but this was before today's news.

I guess we will find out soon enough.  I'll try counting sheep at night so I don't lose any sleep over it.....

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

"Being dyslexic is nothing to be ashamed of" | Ex-rugby star Kenny Logan at the Drum Brae Hub

I had the pleasure of attending the Drum Brae Library Hub tonight to listen to former Scotland Rugby legend Kenny Logan deliver a passionate and very moving talk about his battle with dyslexia.

Logan, who hails from Stirling, is famous not only for his rugby moves, but his fancy footwork on the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing. Of course, who can forget that he is married to the lovely Gabby off the telly!

The Hub, which has been able to boast over 10,000 visitors since it's opening a handful of weeks ago, saw one of it's breakout rooms packed to capacity as Logan spoke of his struggle through school to his early 30's to come to terms with his inability to read or write.

The audience, a great mix of kids and adults - several of whom with dyslexia - sat in jaw-dropping silence as the 70 times capped Scotland Rugby star gave a touching and fairly emotional recollection of his childhood years through to him finally recognising he had needed to tackle the condition.

'Being dyslexic is nothing to be ashamed of' - a strong and positive message that Logan made to the 50 strong audience. 

Logan is spot on with his assessment.  Thankfully, with organisations such as available now, the ability for early intervention is there.

Mrs Logan, the delightful Gabby, told me on Twitter how proud she was of her 'amazing' husband.  And so she should be.  What an incredible journey for Kenny.

A fantastic Q&A session took place afterwards and Logan posed for photos and signed autographs - a remarkable feat in itself, but testament to the stature of the man.

Snippets of what Logan had to tell tonight about his struggle to admit to his condition can also be found in an interview with the Daily Telegraph from February 2008 | Learning to read at 34 Kenny Logan's best win

Kenny Logan's autobiography 'Just for Kicks' is available to hire from the Library.  Well, it might not be for long....

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

SNP grant cuts force Lothian Buses to put fares up

Bus fares in the capital are being put up and local services being axed as Lothian Buses struggles with cuts in government funding.

Lothian Buses services are being axed after the SNP Government announced plans to cut the Bus Service Operators Grant. The grant was originally intended to benefit bus users and compensate firms for rises in fuel duty and has become a real lifeline to local bus services, particularly in rural areas.

These SNP cuts combined with a new way of calculating the payments, have resulted in fare increases and service withdrawals serving Drum Brae / Gyle.  

The 48 & X48 are being withdrawn and I know that many local people, particularly those who do not drive, rely on these services to travel to work or to visit friends and family.

Bus fares in Edinburgh are going up from March 4th.

The cost of a single journey for adults on Lothian Buses will rise by more than 7% to £1.40, whilst a day ticket will go up from £3.20 to £3.50. The annual price of the Ridacard bus pass is set to go up by £36 to £612.

Student, child, Airlink and night bus fares will not be put up.

The SNP Government needs to get a grip of their priorities and seriously consider reversing these cuts.  Local bus operators are already struggling to maintain services in the face of sky-high fuel prices and a number of other pressures on their budgets.

Whilst this money was originally intended as a means of sheltering local bus firms – and therefore bus passengers – from rising fuel prices, the Scottish Government has broken the link to fuel duty going up, allowing them to introduce cuts such as we are seeing now.

Changes to the mechanism used to calculate payments will also lead to discrepancies between rural and urban areas. Because of the way these payments are made, in some areas the cuts could be nearer to 40%.

It is time the SNP realised the damage these cuts will cause to local communities and reversed their decision.

A statement from Ian Craig, Managing Director of Lothian Buses has been posted on the company's website: "We endeavour to keep ticket prices as low as possible but this is an extremely challenging time for everyone. As with the majority of public transport providers, we have had to review our prices as a result of government funding cuts and rising operating costs."

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Four seasons in one canvassing day...

As the old saying goes, "If you don't like the weather in Edinburgh, hang around 5 minutes".

That was certainly the case in Craigmount, Wester Broom and South Gyle today as I experienced hail, snow, sunshine and freezing cold conditions during a positive day on the campaign trail.

It was an interesting and educational day, discussing issues such as schools, elderly care (I was actually horrified at one particular story relayed to me), potholes and parking on pavements with 100's of residents.  I even had one resident tell me that she put a fence round her garden as a result of finding two youths having sex in her garden!! 

It is abundently clear that a lot of people are looking for change at the Council come May 3rd.

Now, I am not as deluded as some to suggest that everyone is voting for me.  That would be foolish and unwise.  Indeed, I still chuckle at the level of activists and candidates who proclaim on Twitter etc to have had a cliche-tastic 'great day on the doorstep'. 

However, with my growing record of action delivered in the ward since my selection, together with more positive outcomes to be announced shortly, I believe that I have made and will continue to make the case to encourage residents to come out on May 3rd and vote Conservative for a change.   

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Craigmount Residents Association AGM

Tonight saw the third local meeting in as many nights and it was in the back room of the Mid Yoken pub that the residents of one part of Craigmount Brae met for their AGM.
It was good to see over 25 folk in attendance to discuss matters from fees for the landscaping levy to setting up a No Cold Calling Zone.

Neighbourhood Watch is also in operation and the meeting was informed of a couple of potential door to door scams that been thwarted in the area over the year and also that residents should be careful of online scams in their emails.  Very wise words indeed.  Remember folks, if it's too good to be true - it generally is!!

This kind of community spirit and engagement is to be commended and I'd like to see more parts of the ward and the City form Residents Associations.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

West Edinburgh Community Safety Panel

Valentine's Day. 

The old romantic in me couldn't resist the opportunity to head along to the Drum Brae Library Hub for the West Edinburgh Community Safety Panel meeting.

Healthy discussions took place between those in attendance over a host of issues in the wider area.

A couple of things to note:

Neighbourhood Watch and No Cold Calling Zones (NCCZ):  North Gyle was only 20 houses short of securing the Trading Standards quota of 50% + 1 that would see them become a NCCZ.

The majority of residents in the Craig’s addresses of North Gyle have responded positively and the zone is ready to go ahead.

The meeting also heard how the NCCZ in Clerwood works well.

On the Neighbourhood Watch front, it was felt that there wasn't much ooomph in many of the NHW schemes, many were seen 'in name only'. 

It's important that many don't see this as the 'curtain twitchers brigade' but a great way of getting to know what's going on in your neighbourhood.  This can help reduce crime and allow the local Community Police officers to tackle crime faster and prevent it happening.

The meeting also discussed movements at the derelict Rainbow Inn on Drum Brae South.  The word on the street is that it will be reopened as an Indian Restaurant.  There was concern shown that a repeat of alcohol based disorder will return to this licensed premise and wanted to clarify if the restaurant will have a bar facility.   More on this soon.....

Monday, 13 February 2012

Drum Brae Community Council Meeting

Tonight saw me head across the road to the Drum Brae Community Council meeting.  You really get a sense of community spirit here each month.  Another packed room in the Rannoch Centre saw all 3 incumbent Councillors in the one place at the one time.  You'd think there was an election coming up or something....

Anyhoo, here are some of the highlights as featured in my live tweet-a-thon using the #DrumbraeCC hashtag:
Good to hear crime down in ward - good work by local Police. ASB a key focus through youth engagement
Exciting times! Audience interaction. All residents present to jot their policing priorities on a post-it note.
Praise for the - great facility and well worth the wait. Official opening this Friday at 1pm.  
Barnton Hotel planning application for extra care assistance living housing - Public meeting at Cramond Kirk on 23/02  
Irresponsible Landlords a big issue at - concerns over owners renting out to 'undesirables'. Letter to on it's way
Cold Calling a big issue in the area. Call for residents to work to get 51% in their area to respond to set up scheme
When are the Council going to thin the trees in Drumbrae Park, asks one resident.
That's all for tonight's meeting - off home for Lady B's hame made beef n beer with roasties!