Sunday, 8 April 2012

Pathway to graffiti, litter and yes, dog poo!

Walking along the pathway from Bughtlin Market to Craigmount High School should be a pleasant experience.

There are lots of nice trees, a playpark, people can take their dogs for a walk and it connects two parts of the ward, allowing local business to benefit from local patronage.

Sadly, I was taken aback by the level of vandalism in the area - mainly graffiti - when I was out and about the other day, taking a look on behalf of residents who had brought these issues to my attention.

There are several bins, lamposts and walls showing the effects of bouts of vandalism.  One offender in particular appears to enjoy the area, tagging themselves in multiple locations along the pathway.

In addition to this, the play park is looking rather grotty with a damn good weeding needing to be undertaken. The chute in the playpark is also a favourite with our artistic friends.

My only other observation was there is a long gap from the opening of the pathway at the school side before you reach a bin. There were a number of chippy boxes / pizza cartons - not to mention dog poo lying about.  Not visually attractive on what has the potential of being a pleasant pathway.

The grit bin pictured is situated opposite Craigmount High School. As you can see, it's not looking in the best of health.

I've forwarded on these issues to the Council's West Neighbourhood Team requested that remedial action is taken.  More on this when I get a response.

Working for you all year round - not just at election time!  Vote Brown 1 on May 3rd for a hard working local champion.

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