Avid readers,
You may recall last weekend I blogged re the workmen dumping their roadsigns at Maybury Road and noted that I would update with any progress.
Well, I am delighted to say that my prompt action re this matter has resulted in a response from the Council today (Wednesday) to get the contractors back to pick up the signage.
An extract from the welcoming email can be found below.
Again, it's not just about walking the walk, delivering glossy leaflets through letterboxes that will win elections, it's being able to talk the talk and get things done for the Community.
That's why voting Brown 1 on May 3rd will see a local champion work hard for all residents not just at election time, but all year round.
Til the next time.....
In response to your email dated 8 April re Maybury Road - Signs left behind after works completed
We have contacted the Traffic Management contractors and have arranged for the items you noted to be picked up from the side of Balfour Court.
Mike Trotter
Projects Development (Transport)
City of Edinburgh Council
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