Thursday, 19 January 2012

Meeting up with the ladies of the Craigmount Community Wing 'Thursday Club'

This morning, I was delighted to accept the invitation from the ladies of the Thursday Club, who meet in the Craigmount High School Community Wing, to go along and speak about my campaign and why the electorate of Drum Brae / Gyle should vote for me.

In what was a bitter morning, the heat was on - but thankfully not on me! 

After letting the ladies know of my achievements so far on the campaign and what I hope to bring to the ward should the votes go my way on May 3rd, it was a chance for our very own version of Question Time! 

The lovely Thursday Club ladies were gentle and I came out of it relatively unscathed - I am not 100% convinced some of the incumbents would have been afforded such a luxury....

Several fundamentally basic provisions for a safer, cleaner and better area were brought to my attention and these will be relayed back to the Council to allow them to make good and rectify.

A fantastic group of ladies, so much so that I was invited to their Burns Supper next Friday!

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