Sunday, 29 January 2012

Pressure pays off as Mearenside BusTracker finally reinstated

Where incumbent Councillor pressure has previously failed, I have forced the Council into a dramatic U-turn just weeks after they reported that “We have no plans to replace the Bustracker display at Mearenside”.

Back in mid-December, the Council’sTransport Policy & Planning department advised me that “the cost of repeated repairs is simply not sustainable”. I was therefore delighted to note last week, whilst out and about meeting local residents, that the Bustracker had finally been replaced.

This is fantastic news for local residents who have been without this service for several months. The Bustracker is a great tool for bus users, particularly when the No.31 can at times be erratic in its timekeeping in relation to the paper timetable.

After liaising with the local Safer Neighbourhood Police team regarding the situation, I was advised that from 1st January 2011 the Police had received no reports of vandalism to Maybury Drive or Mearenside relating to the Bustracker vandalism. 

I find it odd that the Council had chosen to remove the Bustracker but failed to report any criminal activity to the Police.  Only by reporting incidents of vandalism can the Police respond and react. 

I am delighted to hear though that our local Safer Neighbourhood Team Police Officer for the area Mark Coull's anti-social behaviour figures are improving in the area over the past few months.

Taking residents issues head on and delivering actions – not words – is key for any aspiring Councillor.  I will deliver what I promise and will continue to take up any and all issues on residents behalf.

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