Monday, 30 April 2012

Evening News feature Drum Brae / Gyle ward

The Edinburgh Evening News has been running a series of features on tomorrow's polling day predictions.

On Monday, they previewed Drum Brae / Gyle amongst others.  They are calling it "one of the most closely-fought contests of the election"

Ian Swanson's comments are heartening, "The Conservatives were ahead of Labour on first preferences last time and say their candidate, Mark Brown, is working hard and could be in with a chance. One senior figure privately suggested that, if the SNP did not perform well, both Labour and the Tories could win seats along with Cllr Aldridge."

I'll take that as the result on Friday....

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Local Candidate clears up in pathway clean-up campaign

As one would expect from a hardworking prospective Council candidate, one doesn't just rely on a glossy leaflet a week before polling day to woo residents with a host of promises they may or may not deliver once elected.

Working hard since my selection almost 12 months ago, regular viewers here and residents in the ward via the 60,000 or so leaflets delivered, will have spotted the differences I have made in Drum Brae / Gyle.

My post on the 8th April entitled Pathway to graffiti, litter and yes, dog poo! highlighted the pathway from Bughtlin Market to Craigmount High School and after a phone call on the 11th April from the Environmental Warden Team Leader, further information has been forthcoming.

Earlier this week, I received an email from West Edinburgh Community Safety/Housing and Regeneration Manager, of which an extract is below:

"Thank you for your email dated 8 April 2012 regarding complaints you have received from local residents in the Bughtlin and Craigmount area, with regards to graffiti, dog fouling, the run down condition of the play park, and the lack of bins in the pathway used by the pupils at Craigmount High School during their breaks.

"I can advise you that we are aware of these problems and notification have been forwarded to our Task Force Team with regards to the removal of the graffiti on Council Property, and for additional bins to be situated on the pathway.

"With regards to dog fouling, we carry out regular patrols to deter and catch dog owners who do not act in a responsible manner. Any person found failing to pick up after their dog is issued a Fixed Penalty Notice of £60, reduced to £40 if paid within 28 days. We intend to continue with our patrols in the area varying the days and times to effectively deal with any offenders.

"Our Community Parks Officer has informed me that he believes that the play park is on the rolling programme list for improving play parks in the City."

I am pleased that the Council are, with my perseverance and determination to provide a better Drum Brae / Gyle for all, turning residents concerns into positive action.  I will be monitoring the area - until at least May 3rd - for progress.

Remember, by voting Brown 1 on May 3rd, the residents of Drum Brae / Gyle will see a local champion work hard for all - not just at election time, but all year round.

Does it matter if your Councillor lives locally?

Pentland's SNP Candidate Bill Henderson argues in his recent leaflet that a Councillor living locally does matter for those they represent.

Many people on the doorsteps I have turned up on agree with Mr Henderson (naturally without knowing of his comments!).  It's not however a train of thought shared with his colleagues in Drum Brae / Gyle.

With Cllr Keir stepping down from double-jobbing to channel his energies as the local MSP and his initial replacement Elaine Morris (who hot footed it from her spot as Forth Ward Cllr) stepping down due to ill health, the local association went scouring the city for a replacement. 

They actually found two in the end.

Interestingly, one of these was Cllr Ron Cairns.  Cairns was ousted by Henderson as in-fighting within the local party saw Cairns de-selected.   

Cairns is of course standing alongside another candidate who lives outside the ward, Alison Lindsay.

Lindsay, a former Councillor in Clackmannanshire also stood for the party as their Westminster Candidate in 2005, however she resigned with less than two months to go before the election after allegations by opponents that being on sick leave whilst conducting an election campaign were not compatible.

The lack of local knowledge from both Candidates at Monday night's Hustings frustrated several of the audience when the duo were put under the microscope.

Meanwhile, another Drum Brae / Gyle candidate is also a stranger to the surroundings.  Green Party candidate Linda Hendry pointed out at the hustings that she didn't live in the ward, although she did raise a respectful smile by noting that her Mother was buried in it. 

Cllr Robert Aldridge lives in East Craigs, Karen Keil in Drumbrae - maybe it's to be a trio of local candidates for the three places on offer in seven days time? 

Both Independent candidates I understand are local however, with it being likely that the only time we'll meet is at the count on May 4th following their non-appearance at the hustings, I can't comment any further on their standing.

For me, localism is at the heart of being a Councillor.  I am proud to be standing in my wee bit of Edinburgh. I love my home and it's right in the heart of the Drum Brae / Gyle ward. 

During the last twelve months, I have been working on the issues that matter on people's doorsteps.  Listening to the concerns that matter most to local residents who feel let down by the absent councillors during this outgoing Lib Dem / SNP administration.

The people of Edinburgh - and Drum Brae / Gyle deserve better. 

Only on May 3rd by voting Brown 1 can you bring change.  Vote Conservative for a change.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Election Hustings - A Resume....

Monday night saw the Candidates comes together at the Rannoch Centre for the Hustings orgsanised by the Drum Brae Community Council.

6 out of the 8 Candidates turned up - both Independents failed to show. 

Hopefully not a shape of things to come, but the apathy shown by these Candidates seem to rub off on the public, with some 20 people attending.  However, those who did were to have their collective voices heard over the almost 2 hour session - an over run of some 20 minutes!

Candidates drew cards to see who went first.  Comically, the Chair hadn't removed the 7 & 8 cards - guess what was picked out first!

Anyway, Lib Dem incumbent Robert Aldridge, the only one of the 3 standing again, opened.  His opening salvo mentioned bins, buses and that a focus should be on bottom up politics.

I was up next and a copy of my 5 minute speel will be available on this blog elsewhere shortly.

The Green candidate, Linda Hendry was up next.  Despite not being local, Linda mentioned that she did have a local connection in that her mother was buried in the ward.  There followed a fascinating insight into how vital Bees are to the world.  Linda also noted her party would like to sell off the Lord Provost's 'SO' Registration Plate.

The first of the SNP duo, Alison Lindsay took to the floor.  Another candidate who didn't live in the ward.  Alison, a former Clackmannanshire Councillor, spoke of how the party were ensuring free bus passes were being kept by the SNP, how the Curriculum for Excellence had been introduced into schools by the SNP - all very fine and well, but not very local.  Until, she mentioned Drum Brae Primary.  Alison told the hall that 'it was over for Drum Brae Primary' and it was time to move on.  This didn't go down spectacularly well...

Labour's Karen Keil was up next - the last of the 'local' Candidates.  Karen laid the blame firmly on Robert Aldridge for her standing as a candidate. As a former Lib Dem supporter and voter, Karen said she was disappointed in his decision to close Drum Brae Primary.  Karen spoke of her work in the community and noted that there were huge social issues in certain parts of the world.

Finally, it was Ron Cairns - the second SNP candidate. Ron is the incumbent Councillor in Pentlands however due to de-selection by his local party at their candidate selection meeting, he was out on his ear.  Due to the decision by Elaine Morris to stand down due to ill-health, Ron was drafted in

He was quick to lay claim to ensuring the Hub was delivered on time etc.  Odd as the Lib Dems are taking the credit for that too...

Ron's 'style' as it where was "If you send me an email - put your number on it.  That way I'll get back to you rather than have a long paper trail." Mmmm.....

So, on with the show. 

The event mainly concentrated on Education and it is clear that the whole schooling system in the ward needs a good look at.  Schools bursting at the seems, some due to numbers, some due to poor facilities, are a very big issue out there.  I know, I've been speaking to many residents who are parents of children attending said schools.

Robert Aldridge recorded a figure of some £4k per pupil cost to keep a child at Drum Brae Primary and with the number of kids attending at the time, it wasn't viable to keep the school open.

However, the chickens have, it appears, come home to roost.

Alison Lindsay was challenged over when she was selected as a candidate - "I can't remember the exact date" was her initial response before seeking clarity from a member of the audience, an SNP hack-tivist, the answer was 5 months.  Really Alison?!

By this point, a chap in the audience, waiting patiently to ask his question, got up and walked out. 

A resident from Parkgrove cited issues re speeding and the lack of signs near the school.  Hopefully this will be rectified shortly.

A question re funding issues and provision for 3 or 4G sports pitches in the area were pretty much dismissed by Cllr Cairns as these would cost some £400k and if one school got one, everyone would want one.  Nothing better than being ambitious for the community.....

Clermiston Park improvements were brought up, with a resident angry over being let down by the Council re promises to make it a top priority case.

There was discussion over how to get youth into employment in the area / City-wide.  It was universally agreed that any programme should be used as a view to obtaining permanent employment at the end of it, not an excuse for cheap labour for a couple of weeks.

Finally, the Clermiston Primary issue, highlighted at the previous week's Community Council meeting came up for discussion.  Acoustics in the school were frankly useless from it's building in 2010 and there have been promises to get this remedied asap.

A fairly disappointing part to this was the revelation that incumbent Councillors had failed to make any effort to attend Parent Council meetings to find out what the issues were....

At 9.15pm, the meeting drew to a close and everyone went back home still clear as to how they would be using their 1st Preferences however the battle for 2nd / 3rd preferences may have been given food for thought by the debate.

How did the Candidates perform?

Well, a purely unscientific ranking of the candidates was offered to me post-hustings which gave the following;

1: Aldridge, 2: Brown, 3: Keil, 4: Hendry, 5: Cairns, 6: Lindsay with 2 non-runners.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Result! Progress on the Pathway....

I had an educational, constructive and positive discussion earlier today with the West Neighbourhood Environmental Warden Team Leader re my Pathway to graffiti, litter and yes, dog poo post.

I am delighted to hear that the pathway will be getting a clean sweep next week when the team are back to full strength and the Taskforce Team will be working with other partners to rid the area of the grafitti where possible.  Negotiation will need to take place with residents where the grafitti is on 'private ground'.

In addition to this, there is a promise of provision for additional bins.  This covers the area from the entrance opposite the High School up towards the play park.  The extra bins will hopefully encourage more people to think twice about throwing their litter on the ground and also for irresponsible dog owners to bag in and bin it, instead of ignore it and leave it.

Proactive prevention was also discussed and I was heartened by success stories at other High Schools in the West Edinburgh area when it comes to educating kids over litter.

If elected on May 3rd, I will be engaging with all schools to ensure that continued focussed is played on ensuring personal responsibility is key.

Remember, by voting Brown 1 on May 3rd, the residents of Drum Brae / Gyle will see a local champion work hard for all residents not just at election time, but all year round.

It's looking ominous for the signs....

Avid readers,

You may recall last weekend I blogged re the workmen dumping their roadsigns at Maybury Road and noted that I would update with any progress.

Well, I am delighted to say that my prompt action re this matter has resulted in a response from the Council today (Wednesday) to get the contractors back to pick up the signage.

An extract from the welcoming email can be found below.

Again, it's not just about walking the walk, delivering glossy leaflets through letterboxes that will win elections, it's being able to talk the talk and get things done for the Community.

That's why voting Brown 1 on May 3rd will see a local champion work hard for all residents not just at election time, but all year round.

Til the next time.....


In response to your email dated 8 April re Maybury Road - Signs left behind after works completed

We have contacted the Traffic Management contractors and have arranged for the items you noted to be picked up from the side of Balfour Court.


Mike Trotter
Projects Development (Transport)
City of Edinburgh Council

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Pathway to graffiti, litter and yes, dog poo!

Walking along the pathway from Bughtlin Market to Craigmount High School should be a pleasant experience.

There are lots of nice trees, a playpark, people can take their dogs for a walk and it connects two parts of the ward, allowing local business to benefit from local patronage.

Sadly, I was taken aback by the level of vandalism in the area - mainly graffiti - when I was out and about the other day, taking a look on behalf of residents who had brought these issues to my attention.

There are several bins, lamposts and walls showing the effects of bouts of vandalism.  One offender in particular appears to enjoy the area, tagging themselves in multiple locations along the pathway.

In addition to this, the play park is looking rather grotty with a damn good weeding needing to be undertaken. The chute in the playpark is also a favourite with our artistic friends.

My only other observation was there is a long gap from the opening of the pathway at the school side before you reach a bin. There were a number of chippy boxes / pizza cartons - not to mention dog poo lying about.  Not visually attractive on what has the potential of being a pleasant pathway.

The grit bin pictured is situated opposite Craigmount High School. As you can see, it's not looking in the best of health.

I've forwarded on these issues to the Council's West Neighbourhood Team requested that remedial action is taken.  More on this when I get a response.

Working for you all year round - not just at election time!  Vote Brown 1 on May 3rd for a hard working local champion.

Funding shortage results in roundabout mudpit madness

As noted elsewhere, the road surfacing repairs at Maybury Road have taken place.

Sadly, the roundabout at Bughtlin Market has been left in a sorry mess during these works.

I've been on to the West Neighbourhood Team already, taking on board Residents queries over what plans were in place for the roundabout due to it looking rather unsightly.

Many residents have asked if the space could be brightened up with some type of floral arrangement however, correspondence from the Council's West Neighbourhood Team notes that, despite carrying out works involving the roundabout, no funds are available for any further works to be undertaken.

Therefore, for the forseeable future, residents and indeed visitors to East Craigs area of the ward will be welcomed by a muddy mess of a roundabout.

I'd have hoped part of the project planning process would have been to make good the roundabout once the road had been resurfaced.  I'm sure many would agree.

If elected, I will revisit this decision of leaving the roundabout as a mudpit. Perhaps this could be an ideal opportunity for a local business to sponsor the roundabout and maintain its upkeep....

Garbage, Graffiti and Grit...all in one ugly place.

On passing by Maybury Road whilst visiting a resident, I couldn't help but take note of the disaster area that is the grit bin beside Balfour Court.

Not only is the bin exposed to the conditions due to the lack of a lid, irresponsible people have been using it as a rubbish bin!

The grit was sodden and frankly useless.

Add in the additional issues of the graffiti and you have an eyesore of a feature.

Another local issue heading it's way to get sorted....

Signs aren't looking good at Maybury Road!

After carrying out repairs to the Maybury Road, leading up to Bughtlin Market, it appears that the workmen thought it best to leave their signs and cones at the bottom of the grassy verge outside someone's house.  These have been a feature now for some two weeks.

A polite email is winging it's way to the Council this afternoon.  Progress on their removal to appear here (hopefully soon!)

Monday, 2 April 2012

Edinburgh Conservatives Manifesto Launch

Last week I joined my Edinburgh Conservatives colleagues as we launched our Local Government Election Manifesto.

You can read about our vision for Edinburgh over the next 5 years by downloading it here

SORTED! Clermiston Green potholes fixed and road resurfaced

Some good news delivered today to the residents of Clermiston Green:

"Following complaints from residents in the Clermiston area back in January, local Conservative Council Candidate Mark Brown successfully managed to get the massive pothole fixed in Clermiston Green due to the dangers to public safety.

Whilst Mark’s prompt action to get the pothole fixed was welcomed by residents, photos taken at the time showed that there was still more work to be done.

As a result of Mark’s promise to keep the pressure up on the Council to get our roads up to scratch, work has recently been carried out to permanently repair the main stretch of Clermiston Green and other parts of the surrounding road.

Mark said, “The Council’s prompt response to fill the pothole back in January was long overdue however I am delighted that, following a series of follow up emails, the Roads Officer has taken on board both the Residents and my concerns and carried out these much needed repairs.

With the high level of cost to the Council and taxpayer in compensation claims, it is vital that potholes are fixed quickly and done correctly first time.

Pictured below, you can see the benefits of having a Candidate working hard for you all year round – not just at election time.

A vote for Brown on May 3rd will guarantee your voice will be listened to when it comes to building a better future for Edinburgh."

Ruth Davidson visits Drum Brae / Gyle

With the months becoming weeks and now being counted in days, the election campaign is fast approaching the d-day of May 3rd.

With 8 runners in the starting gate, the field of candidates seeking election is a big one for the 3 seats available.

On Saturday, the Vote Brown 1 campaign got a tremendous boost with a visit from the Leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Ruth Davidson.

Ruth, along with several activists (some pictured below whilst the camera shy knocked on the doors!), took part in a positive canvassing session in the ward.

Feedback on the doorsteps was very strong, with several commenting on the results I've achieved around the ward.  Whilst this is all very flattering, there is so much more to be done.

Hopefully on May 3rd the good people of Drum Brae / Gyle will allow me to continue where I have started off.